How to whitelist a list of IP addresses in Elementor Maintenance Mode

Elementor is a great plugin and Elementor Maintenance mode is a very useful tool. One thing is missing: We can’t whitelist IP addresses…

This would a really nice feature but it still doesn’t exist in 2021. You can wait for it… or just paste this short snippet in your theme’s functions.php

function my_elementor_maintenance_mode_whitelist_ips() {

	// IPs Whitelist
	$whitelist = [

	if (
		in_array( $_SERVER[ 'REMOTE_ADDR' ], $whitelist )
		&& method_exists( '\Elementor\Plugin', 'instance' )
		&& isset( \Elementor\Plugin::instance()->maintenance_mode )
	) {
		remove_action( 'template_redirect', [ \Elementor\Plugin::instance()->maintenance_mode, 'template_redirect' ], 11 );
add_action( 'template_redirect', 'my_elementor_maintenance_mode_whitelist_ips', 5 );
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